Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Summer Vibes

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

Hello my fellow bookworms!

It's finally summer! Depending on where you live, that could mean you are able to go out and enjoy some sunshine, or it could mean that you may still have limited hours to be out. It is still a weird time for all of us, but at least we are a bit closer to all going outdoors and being social again.

I have some book news for you:

  • Do you  have a Costco membership? If so, there is a "hidden benefit" where Costco hosts book signings and events! They also offer signed books to purchase at their store, as well. You can view the upcoming author events here. Though the events calendar is empty at the moment (at least, it is for my area of the world), I imagine it will fill out as places start reopening again. 
  • Are you tired of reading the same old stories and need diversity, different points of view, and books of color, but do not know where to start? Try LibraryReads, a website that hosts the monthly nationwide library staff picks list for adult fiction and non-fiction that aims to be inclusive of all races, genders, viewpoints, etc. If you are a librarian, you can nominate a new and upcoming book to the monthly list, as well!
  • The Smithsonian Magazine has a list of books to read in honor of Pride Month, showcasing overlooked stories and new books to dive into. 
  • I know I mentioned it in my previous post, but the First Chapters Contest is live and up until July 18th! Try your hand at writing a compelling first chapter to win $3,000, publication, and a consultation with an agent!
  • If you live in the UK or in France, there is a book titled Le TrĂ©sor de l'Entente Cordiale® that will lead you on a treasure hunt between the two lands. If you can solve all the clues and gather the key fragments, you will be led to an actual treasure: a golden casket! 

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels
I hope you have a happy, healthy, and fun summer! What books are you looking forward to reading? Let me know! I have a stack of books that I am aiming to read, so I will update on that next time. :)

 Happy Reading!